Give One, Get One Discussion Activity After Ch. 7
1. You will be choosing one question from below to write a paragraph about.
Questions to Choose From:
a. What condition is Johnny in after the fire? Why would being crippled be worse for Johnny than someone else?
b. What is a juvenile delinquent (p. 107)? Find a definition on the internet, in a dictionary, or create your own based on your own knowledge.
c. Why would Two-Bit think Johnny, Dally, and Pony were heroes all along; before they saved the kids?
Give One- Paragraph and Please Remember:
______You will need to remember to include words from the question in your topic sentence
______Include specific examples, preferably a quotation and in-text citation to support your
______Include detailed word choice
______Include a closing sentence
Example: As one can see,…
______After writing your paragraph, read it over and edit it for any mistakes with spelling, punctuation, etc.
Get One Response from Another Person in your Group and They Respond with Either:
a. Ask a question
b. Share your opinion
c. Give them a complement and retell that person what specifically you liked from what they said.